Plant of walnut 

The scientific name is juglans, 

family: Juglandaceae, 

order: Fagales, 

Kingdom: Plantae,

Tribe: Juglandaceae    

 Walnut plants nursery.          

 For the walnut plants nursery, I will take two kg of walnuts with heavy seeds. I will put these seeds in a container, and after that pour water on these walnut seeds till all seeds dip into the water fully. Those seeds of walnuts that are floating on the water in the container are not good for a nursery that why   I will remove these seeds from the container. The remaining seeds of walnuts will remain in the water for one day and night.  

 Preparation of soil for plants of walnuts 

   For the preparation of soil for plants of walnut nursery first of all I will dig the soil fully, then will plain n it after that I will mix dung/gobar in the soil as fertilizers. Now will mix the walnut seeds in the prepared soil for the nursery of walnut plants. Furthermore, I will give a small amount of water to the seeds of the walnut. Walnut seeds must remain in the soil. The nursery of plants of walnuts is ready mostly in two to three years. After two months small plants of walnuts have been growing. After every two days, water will be given to the plants of walnuts according to the needs of the plants. 

 How to grow a plant of walnut in a   container  

  For growing the plant walnut in the container    I will dip the walnut in the soil in the hehe container, and after that will give a small amount of water to the soil in the container. The plant walnut will grow almost within two months.